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Unbiased & Unfiltered News Reporting for 12+ years. Covering Geo-Political conflicts, wartime events, and vital Breaking News from around the world. Editor-In-Chief of Atlas News.

More From Me

We are re-writing what Unfiltered Journalism looks like, and we are just getting started.

For the past few years we have barely scratched the surface of what we are capable of. We took Intelligence Community practices and applied it to modern journalism, and in that time have amassed a following of over 400k followers on Instagram.

Now, we are expanding our content and product.

Documentaries, podcasts, interviews, insights, reports, briefs, investigative intelligence analysis, and more…

We want to be the best and most unfiltered media & news company in the world. Ran by and directed by real-world application experience.

In order to do that, we need capital. From people who believe in the mission of Atlas and want to own a part of the company as we grow.

We are looking for people who want to contribute not just in capital, but in the overall direction of what content we produce and help to produce the most Unfiltered stories possible.


New Documentary:

A new trailer for our documentary series covering the start of the Israel-Hamas Conflict is now out – with episode 1 releasing next Friday.

Our team traveled to the area to document and interview people from both sides of the conflict. Their opinion on the situation, how their lives have radically shifted, and what they are focused on in the coming months.

This docu-series is the first one we are releasing, with 4 more on the way over different topics and regions in the world. All part of our content expansion to create the most Unfiltered media company in the country.

We are committed to telling stories as unfiltered as possible. No political twist, personal agenda or thoughts, and all footage we can get with no censorship or blurred imagery.
