
US Senate Votes Down Bill to Withdraw Troops from Syria

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The United States Senate has voted down a bill (13 Yay, 84 Nay) that would require the withdrawal of American forces from Syria, which comes amid continued drone and rocket attacks by Iran-backed Shia militias in the region.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who headed the bill, argued that “It seems to me, though our 900 troops have no viable mission in Syria, that they’re sitting ducks,” adding that “They’re a tripwire to a larger war, and without a clear-cut mission, I don’t think they can adequately defend themselves, yet they remain in Syria.”

“Our troops in Syria regularly come under attack, not from ISIS but from Iranian-backed militias.”

Since October 17, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella organization of Iran-backed militias, has claimed responsibility for at least 75 attacks against American forces in both Iraq and Syria.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), on the other hand, argued that “Passage of such a resolution would be a gift to Iran and its terrorist network. Driving American forces from the Middle East is exactly what they would like to see.”

“Adopting this short-sighted measure would wreck America’s credibility in the region.”

“It would encourage Iran’s proxies to open a northern front in the territorial war against Israel. And it would invite America’s adversaries to challenge our military presence throughout the world,” he added.
