
Iran-Backed Militias Claim Responsibility for 5 Attacks Against American Forces in Past 48 Hours

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The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella organization of Iran-backed Shia militias, has claimed responsibility for five attacks against American forces in Iraq and Syria over the past 48 hours.

On Monday, the group claimed responsibility for a rocket barrage against the American base near Al-Hasakah, Syria, as well as two drone attacks against Ain al-Assad Airbase in Iraq. No casualties or damage were reported by the United States.

On Tuesday, the group claimed responsibility for a rocket barrages against the al-Omar and Conoco oil fields in Syria. Like yesterday, there were no reports of casualties or damage.

Since October 17, militia forces have carried out dozens of rocket and drone attacks against American forces in the region. The United States has previously responded with air strikes in Syria and AC-130 gunship activity in Iraq, however, the attacks continue to persist.
