
ISIS Attacks Down Globally in 2023

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Attacks claimed by the Islamic State and its affiliated terror groups has decreased from 1,811 in 2022 to 838 in 2023, marking a 53 percent drop, according to a report by BBC Monitoring.

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS):

  • In Iraq, ISIS claimed a total of 141 attacks in 2023, down from 401 last year, marking a 65 percent drop.
  • In Syria, ISIS claimed a total of 112 attacks in 2023, down from 292 last year, marking a 62 percent drop.

Islamic State – West Africa Province (ISWAP):

  • In Western Africa, ISWAP claimed a total of 266 attacks in 2023, down from 470 last year, marking a 43 percent drop.

Islamic State – Khorasan Province (ISKP):

  • In Afghanistan, ISKP claimed a total of 20 attacks in 2023, down from 145 last year, marking a 86 percent drop.

Islamic State – Sinai Province (ISSP)

  • In Egypt, ISSP claimed a total of 0 attacks in 2023, down from 102 last year, marking a 100 percent drop.

Islamic State – East Asia (ISEA)

  • In the Philippines, ISEA claimed a total of 20 attacks in 2023, up from 7 last year, marking a 214 percent increase (Only Increase)
