
One Dead, 17 Wounded in Hamas Car Ramming, Stabbing Attack in Ra’anana, Israel

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Israeli authorities have reported that a woman is dead and 17 other people were left wounded during a Hamas car ramming and stabbing spree in Ra’anana, Israel, which sits just north of Tel Aviv.

Hamas claimed responsibility, releasing a statement that the attack was “carried out by the heroes of our Palestinian people” and was “a natural response to the massacres of the Nazi occupation and its continued aggression against our Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.”

“We mobilize our revolutionary youth throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem, and we call on them to escalate the struggle and revolution until the Nazi occupation is defeated, our land and sanctities are liberated, and our Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital, God willing,” the statement continued.

Authorities reported that the suspects, identified as being from the West Bank city of Hebron, switched between multiple stolen vehicles to hit pedestrians. Likewise, they stabbed multiple people while on foot.

Both suspects were apprehended.
