
Germany Considering to Supply Israel with Tank Shells

Sébastien Gray
Sébastien Gray
Sébastien is a published journalist and historicist with over six years of experience in freelance journalism and research. His primary expertise is in African conflict and politics, with additional specialization in Israeli/Palestinian and Armenia/Azerbaijan conflicts. Sébastien serves as the deputy desk chief for Africa.

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In Principle

According to a report made by German media company Der Spiegel has said that the German government has agreed, in principle, to deliver 10,000 120mm tank shells to Israel amidst their war with Hamas and several other Palestinian militant groups. The request was initially received by the German government in November.

Germany’s military production is presently not suited to quickly fill the request, and so the German government is apparently considering several different avenues to provide the requested shells, including releasing shells from their own military’s stock.


Hamas has released a statement condemning the decision by the German government to supply Israel. They claimed the material support “turns Germany into a direct partner in the war”, adding that it “seems that Germany is reproducing its history full of sins against humanity”.

The full statement by Hamas may be read below:

Press Statement

-We denounce in the strongest terms Germany’s intention to agree to send about ten thousand tank shells to the Zionist occupation, which turns Germany into a direct partner in the war against our people and bears full political and moral responsibility for the war crimes committed by this Nazi Zionist government and the genocidal war against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

It seems that Germany is reproducing its history full of sins against humanity, and is not deterred by all the lessons of the recent past.

Here we affirm that our people will not forget and will not forgive anyone who participated in the aggression against them or gave cover to this criminal enemy who violated all taboos.

Dr. Bassem Naeem
Member of the Political Bureau of Hamas – Gaza

Jan 17, 2024

Hamas has oftentimes accused any nations supporting Israel of being complicit in the war, particularly the US.
