
US 5th Fleet Denies Houthi Claims of Attack Against American Vessel

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What to Know:

The United States 5th Fleet has denied claims made by the Houthis that they carried out a missile attack against the American-flagged heavy transport vessel M/V Ocean Jazz, which is part of the Military Sealift Command.

Houthi Claim:

Earlier today, the Houthis released a statement claiming that “The naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a military operation targeting an American military cargo ship (OCEAN JAZZ) in the Gulf of Aden, using an appropriate naval missiles.”

Like with past messaging, the Houthis added that the claimed attack was part of their ongoing military effort to enforce “a blockade on Israeli navigation in the Red and Arabian seas until a ceasefire in Gaza is achieved, and the siege is lifted.”

Likewise, they warned that “retaliation against American and British attacks is inevitable, and any new aggression will not go unpunished.”

5th Fleet Responds:

In a brief statement, the United States 5th Fleet said that “The Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists’ report of an alleged successful attack on M/V Ocean Jazz is patently false. NAVCENT has maintained constant communications with M/V Ocean Jazz throughout its safe transit.”

Unlike past attacks by the Houthis against vessels in the region, there was no indication of a strike or reports of distress calls made by the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) as well.
