
US Expresses Hope of Restarting Sudan Talks

Sébastien Gray
Sébastien Gray
Sébastien is a published journalist and historicist with over six years of experience in freelance journalism and research. His primary expertise is in African conflict and politics, with additional specialization in Israeli/Palestinian and Armenia/Azerbaijan conflicts. Sébastien serves as the deputy desk chief for Africa.

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What Happened

The US’ Special Envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello, has expressed hopes that the US will be able to once again start peace talks between the two warring sides in Sudan.

Envoy Perriello stated that the US hopes talks “will happen as soon as Ramadan is over”, which is in mid April. He stated the talks will aim to be “inclusive”, involving African states, regional bodies, as well as Gulf states.

The envoy’s words follow not long after Sudanese military government authorities rejected a temporary ceasefire proposition, which would have lasted over Ramadan, an Islamic fasting period.

Future talks will reportedly involve the AU, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD, an East African economic bloc), the US, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the UAE.

Envoy Perriello made the announcement amidst a wider interview on the situation in Sudan, in which he outlined that the US’ priority is first and foremost a peace deal, and an end to the war. Perriello spent a number of days travelling to various African nations and meeting with various Sudanese activists and civilian groups, in order to assist in forming US policy.

He further added that the US is seeking to prevent any regional spillover. This comes as there are reports of Iranian backing of the Sudanese military. In addition, the US is seeking unimpeded humanitarian access to Sudan.

A Dire Situation

The war began in April of 2023 between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) military government and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The war began due to disagreements on if/how the RSF should be integrated into the military, and power sharing agreements amidst the long process of transitioning into a civilian government.

Since then, several thousand people have been killed, and millions of people have been displaced. Sudan has become the worlds largest internal displacement crisis, and is threatening to also become the worlds largest hunger crisis, as malnutrition affecting millions threatens to turn into a famine.

Perriello stated another priority of the US was expanded humanitarian access to Sudan amidst these reports of famine. This policy is evidenced by pressure being applied by the US’ Representative to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who called upon the UN Security Council (UNSC) to consider applying sanctions onto the SAF if they continue to obstruct aid delivery.

Recently the Sudanese military government stated they would allow limited aid deliveries through Chad and South Sudan for the first time. However, Ambassador Greenfield stated that “existing land routes from Chad and South Sudan are inadequate. Only by fully opening the Chad border can significant humanitarian assistance flow effectively.”

She called on the UNSC to “take swift action”, and stated that the US was “considering targeted sanctions” in the UNSC.

If the UNSC were to apply sanctions, they would join the sanctions applied by many individual entities (such as the US and EU) who have applied sanctions on companies and individuals connected to both sides over the course of the war.

Notably, Perriello also stated the US’ intention to hold individuals responsible for war crimes and other atrocities responsible.
