
Finland to Close All, But One Border Crossing, Middle Eastern Migrant Surge Continues from Russia

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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In the lasts twenty-four hours, more than 300 Middle Eastern and African migrants have collected at the Salla Border Crossing between Finland and the Russian Federation. This is a sharp increase from the 30 migrants reported by this publication three days ago. In response, the Finnish government has announced that all border crossings except Raja-Jooseppi.

Russia, Murmansk Oblast Governor Chibis was the first Russian official to comment on the situation, acknowledging the 300 migrants. Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zakharova then announced by 2300 EST last night that the Russian Federation was ready to discuss the situation with Finland. However, by 0000 EST this morning, Finnish Deputy Chancellor of Justice Puumalainen approved measures to close the majority of border crossings, including Salla where the largest migrant group is. The closure will go into affect the night of November 24th, 2023.

Governor Chibis announced that additional checkpoints were established to prevent the flow of migrants to Finland signaling the first Russian attempts to improve the situation. As of this publication the Finnish Border Guard Service is still reporting at least 57 asylum seekers at their Salla collection point.
