
Dozens Arrested, Two Officers Injured in City Assembly Riot, Belgrade Serbia

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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At approximately 1200 EST students and supporters of Serbia Against Violence (SPN) organized protests in front of the Republic Election Commission building in Belgrade, Serbia. By 1400 EST, the protestors turned violent and began damaging the doors to the building and were trying to enter the premises.

Serbian National Assembly Member Milivojevic was at the rally and said “I broke state property, which means we will break Serbia too.” By this point, Serbian President Vucic took to the airwaves and began denouncing the protests. He told crowds that there is no civil war occurring and the demonstrators will not succeed. Serbian Foreign Minister David condemned the riots and by 1530 EST, tear gas was deployed against the rioters who were throwing stones.

By 1630 EST, Serbian President Vucic called an emergency meeting of the National Security Council. Serbian Prime Minister Brnabic told press that the riots demonstrated “intention to use violence to change the electoral will of the citizens.”

President Vucic told press that nearly 3,000 protestors had participated, 35 had been arrested, and two police officers had been arrested. He also told press that the Russian FSB had warned him of the riots days ago. The protestors had finally be dispersed by 1800 EST.  However, students are reportedly planning to block streets throughout Belgrade.

These demonstrations were planned after the December 17th snap National Assembly elections. While they were initially scheduled to be held by 30 April 2026, Aleksandar Vu?i?, the president of Serbia, called a snap election in November 2023, after previously announcing that snap elections could be either held in 2023 or 2024. In addition to the parliamentary elections, the Vojvodina provincial and local elections were held in 65 cities and municipalities, including the capital, Belgrade. These elections were called after the anti-government protests following the Belgrade School Shooting on May 2nd, 2023.

However, despite countervailing exit polls and other pre-election polls, the populist ruling Serbian Progressive party (SNS) won 46.72% and a majority in the National Assembly. Monitoring and non-governmental organizations reported that the election day was marred with electoral fraud, mostly in Belgrade. ODIHR concluded that SNS had a systematic advantage in the election and abused public funds.

The rioters were seeking to annul the elections.
