
North Korea Condemns South’s Nullification of Leaflet Ban

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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In December of 2020, the South Korean National Assembly voted along partisan lines to ban and enforce fines on South Koreans that sent leaflet balloons over the 38th Parallel into North Korea. The law was an attempt to appease North Korean leaders who assumed the leaflets would stop after President Moon and North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un agreed to end their psychological warfare and lower animosity in 2018.

However, in September 2023, the South Korean Constitutional Court in a seven-to-two ruling found that a clause in the Development of Inter-Korean Relations Act banning the distribution of leaflets excessively limited freedom of speech, the Court said in a summary of the ruling. Nearly two months after the ruling and the subsequent repeal of the law, the North Korean government has finally responded via state-owned media KCNA and Choson Sinbo:

”In the puppet area, the decision that the “Law on Prohibiting the Spreading of Anti-North Korea Leaflets” is “unconstitutional” has been enforced, and the process of abolishing the related “guidelines” is in full swing.

“North Korean defectors” who did not hesitate to assault the public sentiment in puppet areas opposing leaflet-spreading, fluttered around the border area as if the time had come, saying, “There is no reason not to fly anti-North Korea leaflets and other balloons,” and “The wind is blowing.” The spread of leaflets will become active starting next spring when the north wind changes from north wind to south wind.

What is clear is that the insistence that the distributing of anti-DPRK leaflets by human scum was “the work of private organizations”, claiming that it was “freedom” and “human rights” was nothing more than a deceptive tactic and an anti-DPRK psychological plot planned and led by a puppet group.

Until now, the distribution of anti-DPRK leaflets was carried out in the form of minions disguised as “private citizens” and with the authorities’ connivance and encouragement, but from now on, a group of traitors will come to the fore and carry out it in a blatant manner as if carrying out a military operation. The seriousness of the situation is such that There is.

Leaflet distribution is a high-level psychological warfare waged by one warring party with the purpose of neutralizing the other party, and is a de facto act of preemptive strike before the start of war.

Moreover, the seriousness of the situation is further amplified by the deployment of U.S. nuclear strategic assets targeting our Republic, the massive build-up of armed forces, and the largest-scale war of aggression in history, which are being carried out at a time when the situation on the Korean Peninsula is heading toward deterioration.

The traitor gang will remember that the scattering of anti-DPRK leaflets by “North Korean defectors” trash resulted in an exchange of fire using fire-powered weapons in 2014 and the complete destruction of the North-South Joint Liaison Office in 2020.

Although it has been lax so far, there is a law called “Law on Prohibiting Spreading of Leaflets Against North Korea,” so our patience has been applied to the puppet gang’s attacks.

The anger of our people, who have experienced the first great turmoil since the founding of the country due to the introduction of a malignant infectious disease caused by the dirty items of human scum, has already reached its peak.

The stance of our enraged revolutionary force is that we must go beyond previous responses and pour down a shower of punishment not only on their leaflet-scattering bases but also on their puppet strongholds.

In the current political world where a single spark can explode at a moment’s notice, when hostile psychological warfare that viciously criticizes the existence and development of our nation is carried out in the border area with us, a military conflict like the one that occurred in Europe and the Middle East will not occur on the Korean Peninsula. There is no guarantee.

The consequences that will result from this will fall entirely on the United States and the puppet traitor group.

Psychological tactics, including the distribution of anti-DPRK leaflets, will soon serve as a “catalyst” for the end of the “Republic of Korea.””
