
North Korea Responds to Criticism, Releases Pictures of Launch

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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Since North Korean state-owned media released the initial announcements concerning the failed satellite launch yesterday, there has been relative media silence concerning the subject. However, the North Korean media broke that silence this afternoon after the U.S. and its Pacific and European allies released blistering comments.

At 1500 EST, North Korean Senior Official Kim Yo Jong told press that the country will soon place a satellite into space. He also rejected U.S. criticism and that “no one can deny their country’s sovereign right”, to launch satellite. He doubled down on the U.S., saying that the “group of gangsters” would claim the launch was illegal “even if it had been done by balloons.”

He also criticized the UN Security Council for targeting North Korea’s missile and rocket technology development, especially international “double standards”.

During the press conference, North Korean state-owned media released these images showing the 30 May 23 launch.
