
Russia Claims to Have Interdicted Ukrainian Saboteurs Near Belgorod City

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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The Land Cruiser Hunt:

As this publication reported, an ongoing Ukrainian aerial attack is targeting Belgorod City, Russian Federation. However, the Russian Ministry of Defense is rapidly reporting on an ongoing Ukrainian saboteur unit that attempted to attack the city as well.

By 0400 EST, a Russian TG page reported:

“In the Belgorod region, they are looking for a Land Cruiser 200 with diplomatic license plates with the Red Cross logo. According to security officials, members of the Ukrainian DRG may be in the car. The car is preliminary moving from Alekseevka to Belgorod.”

By 0445 EST, well known Russian TG page BazonBazon reported that Russian authorities had stopped a Red Cross vehicle in Novy Oskol, Belgorod Oblast. This vehicle matched the description mentioned above. By 0530, that Red Cross vehicle was reportedly released from detention and no Ukrainian service members or saboteurs were reportedly found.

Claims of Ukrainian Incursion:

By 0630 EST, Russian-affiliated users on X reported that a a large saboteur group had been targeted during an attempted incursion into Belgorod Oblast.

Russian state-owned media quickly followed up with a report saying that 195 Ukrainian saboteurs had been killed in the Spodariushino area of Belgorod Oblast. RIA Novosti reports below:

“Ukrainian saboteurs tried to break into the Belgorod and Kursk regions, but their actions stopped by the Russian law enforcement agencies. According to the Ministry of Defense, the armed forces thwarted an enemy attempt to penetrate into the Belgorod Region in the Spodaryushino area. As a result of air strikes and artillery fire, up to 195 servicemen, five tanks, four armored combat vehicles, three UR-77 self-propelled demining rockets and three engineering barrage vehicles were destroyed,” the ministry said.”

This information has not been corroborated by the Ukrainian government or any pro-Ukrainian bloggers.
