
Ukrainian Troops Cross Dnieper In At Least Two Places, Russian Sources Claim High Casualties

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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At approximately 0854 EST on November 14th, 2023, Russian military bloggers claimed that 1-2 companies of Ukrainian infantry were blocked and destroyed by artillery near Krynky, Kherson Oblast, on the South side of the Dnieper River. This was the first report of enhanced fighting after the Ukrainians secured a beachhead on the Russian side of the river. Russian-appointed Zaporizhzia Oblast, Ukraine official Rogov also claimed that Ukrainian troops created a bridgehead and cut Russian logistical lines between Oleshky and Kinburn Split.

Over the past two hours, reporting regarding this offensive has intensified on both sides. Russian military bloggers claim that the 177th Marine Regiment was engaged with forward Ukrainian elements and was using its organic MLRS to engage Ukrainian columns. Russian-appointed Kherson Oblast, Ukraine Governor Saldo at 0600 EST once again claimed that 1-2 Ukrainian companies were annihilated by artillery fire between a rail line and the bank of the Dnieper River. However, it appears that Ukrainian forces continue to advance West from Krynky, albeit under constant artillery fire from Kozachi Lahery, where Russian units have several batteries.

Ukrainian sources have also begun to sound off on the offensive. Ukrainian Command South Spokesperson Humenyuk said at 0300 EST, that “great successes” are expected to be reported from an operation on the Russian side of the river. She also claimed that troops on the Russian side have advanced more than 8km past the beachhead.

