
Parents in Iran Protest Over Poisoning of Schoolgirls

Chase Baker
Chase Baker
Chase is a seasoned journalist and former resident of Iraqi Kurdistan. With a background in English and Philosophy from the College of Charleston, Chase covered the 2022 conflict in eastern Ukraine, including cities like Kharkiv, Bakhmut, and Kramatorsk. He has also produced short documentaries in Ukraine and the U.S., and has been with Atlas for three years.

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Today in Iran’s capital, parents gathered outside the Education Ministry building to protest the unexplained poison attacks that have been targeting schoolgirls.

Reportedly, the protest today eventually turned into an anti-government demonstration.

There were also two other protests today in other Iranian cities.

The poison attacks apparently started back in November and more than 30 schools have been targeted.

On social media, the world has seen photos and videos of the schoolgirls who have been poisoned.

The reported symptoms of the poisoning range from feeling nauseous, headaches, and heart palpitations.



Since November, approximately 800 school girls have been poisoned.

These ongoing attacks have sent parents scrambling to pull their daughters out of schools.

As stated, it is currently unknown who is behind these attacks.

However, Iranian government officials have been pointing to Islamist groups opposed to female education.

While talking to state media, the spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani said, “It is one of the immediate priorities of Iran’s government to pursue this issue as quickly as possible and provide documented information to resolve the families’ concerns and to hold accountable the perpetrators and the causes.”

Internationally, multiple countries have expressed concern and the UN has called for a transparent investigation of the attacks.
