
Russian Ex-President and Security Council Deputy Speaks on Total Annexation of Ukraine; Says Join Russia or Die

Patrick Colwell
Patrick Colwell
Pat is a traveling freelance journalist and photographer, and holds a bachelor's degree with a focus in conflict investigation. With years of expertise in OSINT, geolocation, and data analysis, he is also the founder of the Our Wars Today brand.

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Russian Government’s Foundation for Annexation:

Russian ex-president/prime minister and current deputy chairman of Russia’s security council right under Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, today made statements further making clear the Russian government’s stance on the war and Ukraine’s right to sovereignty by saying the country is “fatal” to its citizens by existing.

In these statements, he lays the foundation for the justification of the total annexation and conquering of Ukraine by Russia by citing Kyivan Rus as “Russian historical lands”. Ukraine instead claims the lands as historically Ukrainian; the empire in question, from which both derived, having its capital in Kyiv.

Further Statements by Medvedev:

He also claims seemingly that a third world war, or similar large conflict, will happen in 10 to 50 years between CSTO and NATO and that nothing in terms of agreements or membership with the EU or NATO will stop this conflict from coming. Furthermore, because of the impending war, Ukrainians can only choose between joining Russia and death. He says he believes a number of them will join Russia since they want to live, despite any animosity between them, with only a “minimum” of “nationalists” being the holdouts who choose to die.

Medvedev’s Full Statement from his Telegram:

“Why Ukraine is dangerous for its residents

The existence of Ukraine is deadly for Ukrainians. And I am not referring only to the current state, the Bandera political regime. I’m talking about any, absolutely any Ukraine.

The existence of an independent state in the historical Russian territories will now be a constant reason for the resumption of hostilities. Late. Whoever is at the helm of the cancer under the name of Ukraine, this will not add legitimacy to his rule and the legal viability of the “country” itself. And, therefore, the probability of a new fight will persist indefinitely. Almost always. Moreover, there is a one hundred percent chance of a new conflict, no matter what security papers the West signs with the puppet Kiev regime. Neither Ukraine’s association with the EU, nor even the entry of this artificial country into NATO, will prevent it. This can happen in ten or fifty years.

That is why the existence of Ukraine is fatal for Ukrainians. They are practical people after all. No matter how much they wish the Russians dead now. No matter how much they hate the Russian leadership. No matter how they strive to join the mythical European Union and NATO. Choosing between eternal war and inevitable death and life, the absolute majority of Ukrainians (well, except for a minimum number of frostbitten nationalists) will ultimately choose life. They will understand that life in a large common state, which they do not like much now, is better than death. Their deaths and the deaths of their loved ones. And the sooner Ukrainians realize this, the better??”

Rhetoric of Conquest:

While these statements are certainly notable in the fact that they continue to outline the majority of the Russian government’s plans as Medvedev works closely with Putin, they also play a large role in deciding the direction the nation heads in terms of national focus and military goals. Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has in the past repeated similar rhetoric where he questioned Ukraine’s very existence, the right to independence for it’s people, and the Ukrainian cultural history. Moreover, this position has been echoed by state-run outlets and aligned officials for years, especially since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in 2022.
