
Over 100 Secretly Filmed Videos of U.S. Servicemembers in Guam Uploaded to PornHub

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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Pacific Daily News has reported that unsealed documents from the District Court of Guam revealed more than 100 secretly filmed videos of U.S. military personnel preforming sexual acts were uploaded to PornHub without the individual’s knowledge or consent. The details from the NCIS investigation read below:

  • On or about Jan. 8, 2020, NCIS was notified of the presence of pornographic videos featuring multiple service members, some in uniform and identifiable, that appeared to have been filmed without the service members’ consent. The videos had been uploaded to Pornhub by an account using the name “playguy148.”
  • On Jan. 13, 2020, the agent observed that 86 videos had been uploaded and two days later, the number of videos uploaded by the account member rose to 102 videos.
  • Many of the videos appeared to depict various U.S. military members masturbating in bathroom stalls. The videos appeared to be clandestinely filmed from above, below or through holes in the stalls. Some of them appeared to be filmed about U.S. Navy vessels and others at a location believed to be the men’s restroom of the Liberty Center on Naval Base Guam.
  • Several of the videos were titled with the rank and last name of the depicted subject. The agent identified the greatest number of identified victims on two Guam-based U.S. Navy commands: The USS Emory S. Land and the USS Frank Cable.
  • On Jan. 13, 2020, the agent sought to obtain the source of the videos by communicating with MG Freesites LTD, which operated Pornhub, while also letting them know that the videos and associated photos were secretly filmed. He requested the content be removed and the account information preserved. Three days later, the content uploaded by playguy148 was disabled, according to the court documents.

It is not currently clear if the Porn Hub account holder was an American citizen or what motivations they had for uploading these videos. These documents were unsealed on April 17th, 2024.
