
Kenya Appoints New Chief of Defense Forces

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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As this publication reported on April 18th, 2024, Kenya Chief of Defense Forces (CDF) General Ogolla was killed when his helicopter crashed in in Cheptulel, West Pokot, Kenya.

Who is General Kahariri?

Today, Kenyan President Ruto has appointed Lieutenant General Charles Kahariri to be the new CDF after serving in the acting role since the day of the incident. According to Tonje rules and advice from his cabinet, President Ruto decided to promote Kahariri who was serving as the Commander of the Kenyan Navy. Tonje rules dictate that the post of CDF rotates between the Army, Navy, and Air Force.

General Kahariri has served in several high-profile billets in the Kenyan Navy. In early 1988, Lt Kahariri commissioned into the Kenyan Navy. In the late 1990s he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and was handpicked to lead the personal staff of Kenyan peacekeeper Lieutenant General Daniel Opande during the Sierra Leone crisis. He also led the Kenya Navy Force as part of Operation Linda Nchi in Southern Somalia in 2011.

Cascade of Promottions to Fill Ogolla’s Gap

With Kahariri’s promotion, several cascading promotions were also announced. For his former office as Commander of the Kenyan Navy, Major General Paul Owuor Otieno was appointed. Major General Otieno was replaced by Brigadier Thomas Njoroge Ng’ang’a who was the Base Commander at Kenya Navy Base Manda. Of note, after General Ogolla’s death and subsequent vacancies as the CDF and head of the Kenyan Air Force, President Ruto has appointed the first-ever woman to fill the highest role in the Air Force. General Fatuma Ahmed has been appointed to that role.
