
Massive Rally in Pyongyang to Commemorate Beginning of 1950 Korean War

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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North Korean state-owned media has published several reports in the last hour denoting massive rallies in Pyongyang to celebrate the commencement of the 1950 Korean War Anniversary celebrations. These events also showcase caustic rhetoric aimed at the U.S. The full report from North Korean media reads below:

”The entire people of the country, who are accelerating the steady forward leap of our-style socialism, defeating with the most overwhelming and offensive response the resolute nuclear war provocation maneuvers of the U.S. imperialists and their puppet bandits, which seriously threaten the security of our dignified state, are in awe. We greeted the 6.25 with the fighting spirit of annihilation.

Our people, who have forged a mighty sword for defending the country, demonstrating a hundred-fold and a thousand-fold resolute will to fight the enemy over the centuries and centuries, have laid the devastation of war on this land that was overflowing with the joy of building a peaceful new society more than 70 years ago. Looking back at the eternal sins of the US imperialists, the heart’s blood is boiling with intense anger.

On the occasion of the historic day that reminds us of the aggression ambition and nature of US imperialism, the root of all misfortune and suffering on this planet and the stranglehold of justice and peace, the June 25th Anti-American Struggle Day, Pyongyang City Mass Assembly is held on the 25th, May 1st. It was held in various places in the capital including the Ilchi Stadium.

At the gathering places where 120,000 workers and young students gathered in Pyongyang City, they provoked a robbery war of aggression to crush our clean country in its cradle. The frostbitten hatred and will to retaliate against the accumulated US imperialism were overflowing.

Comrade Ri Il-hwan and Comrade Pak Tae-seong, secretaries of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Comrade Kim Su-gil, chief secretary of the Pyongyang City Party Committee, Comrade Jeon Seung-guk, Vice-Premier of the Cabinet, Comrade Ri Doo-seong, director of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, workers’ organizations, officials of Xi’an’s institutions, factories, and enterprises, workers, Youth and students participated in the mass rally.

At the meeting, speeches were made by Choi Hui-tae, chairman of the Pyongyang People’s Committee, Ri Yong-geun, manager of the Pyongyang Textile Mill Kim Jong-suk, Huh Chun-geum, manager of Geumdae Farm in Rakrang District, and Kim Joo-hyeok, chairman of the Pyongyang City Youth League Committee.

Speakers said that June 25 remains in the hearts of our people as a wound of resentment that will never go away, even though a long time has passed since the brutal war was forced upon them by the US imperialists. and the misfortune he had suffered.

They said that if our strength had been strong, there would have been no bitter sorrow like the 6.25, and the homeland would not have been stained with innocent blood. did

The speakers were acutely aware that only when arms are strong can we protect true peace and all that is precious on this land, our people uphold the party’s idea of ??building national defense for self-reliant defense and become the absolute most powerful weapon to punish the US imperialists, making sure that no enemy dares to attack them. He stressed that he had firmly grasped the self-defensive war deterrent.

It is not 70 years, but 700 years, that the US imperialists, who had even declared the use of atomic bombs against the Korean people during the last war, are inciting the puppet rebel group, the heinous enemy of the nation, into an assault force for a war of aggression and frenzied for military confrontation and nuclear war exercises. It was locked that it revealed the true color of the aggressor that would never change even if it flowed.

Saying that today’s sharp situation shows that we must become stronger and more thoroughly prepared, and that we must not hesitate or stop for a moment or a moment, the speakers said that the US imperialists, who had become obsessed with provocations for a war of aggression, were terrifying with the will of revenge. He warned that we should be aware that the heat of this heated land is storming toward the land mass of the United States, the capital of sins.

They mentioned the need to thoroughly arm ourselves in all sectors and units from the viewpoint of our Party’s revolutionary war, further sharpen a thorough view of the enemy and anti-American class consciousness, and thoroughly prepare the civilian armed forces for combat and national resistance.

Saying that the general settlement of accounts with US imperialism is the duty of our generation that can no longer be postponed, the speakers said that the avengers of this land, who are strong with their indomitable will to fight the enemy, will mercilessly punish and thoroughly eradicate the US imperialists, the enemies of the Korean people, with a resolute holy war of retaliation. emphasized that they would sentence

The slogans and shouts of annihilation of the enemy filled the skies in June, spurting out the boiling heat of revenge of all participants against the hundred-year-old US imperialist and the puppet traitor gang.

A crowd demonstration followed.

Demonstrators marched with annihilating slogans, feeling the soaring hostility against the US imperialists and their group of traitors who, even at this moment, could not give up their dream of suppressing the DPRK and were making reckless war provocations against the mighty DPRK.

If the enemy dares to invade even 0.001 mm of my sacred homeland, it will rise like a mountain in the national resistance and will mercilessly break down the stronghold of aggression, the root of evil, with the explosion of anger and hatred accumulated over the centuries, and the irresistible force of the Republic, which has been fortified. was turbulent and bent.

The demonstrators of Omada expressed their revolutionary zeal to more vigorously open the avenue for comprehensive national revival by making every effort to occupy the 12 important hills for the development of the national economy proposed by the Party, with a feeling of holding a stern iron hammer to the enemies running rampant to block our advance. was ejected vigorously.

The 6.25 Day of Struggle Against US Imperialism, the Pyongyang City Mass Assembly, will advance like a sword with resolute revolutionary faith and strong fighting spirit for the brilliant future of our precious socialist motherland and victory in the anti-US confrontation, and will brilliantly carry on the history and tradition of heroic Joseon. The unwavering faith and will of the capital’s party members, working people, and young vanguards were once again powerfully demonstrated.”

