
One UNSOS Member Killed, Six Kidnapped by Al-Shabaab, Galguduud, Somalia

United States Military Academy and American Military University Alumni. Victor covers flash military, intelligence, and geo-political updates.

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Update (1605 EST): The UN has confirmed the incident.

At approximately 1000 EST, local witnesses in Galguduud, Somalia posted video and pictures to Facebook showing armed gunmen inside of a United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) helicopter.

By 1200 EST, Somali Galmudug Security Minister Aden confirmed that a UNSOS helicopter carrying medicine had made an emergency landing in Galguduud, in the heart of Al-Shabaab territory. The extremist group quickly seized the helicopter, taking six UN employees hostage and killing one. According to Al Jazeera, two employees escaped on foot.

As of this publication, it is not clear what happened to the helicopter or if the United Nations is planning a recovery mission or rescue mission. The body has made no public comment.
